Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So Here's the Thing...

I had the noblest of intentions to share every moment of my trip to California with you. But the truth is, my laptop died in Oklahoma City. And the previous post was completely fabricated. Well, not completely. I did do and think and see all those things, but I totally wrote that about a week ago. Long after having arrived and settled in California. Yes, I'm hanging my head in shame.

I'm a blog sinner, and I'm confessing my transgressions to you now. The truth is, writing in retrospect is very difficult for this forgetful gal. I'm impressed that I remembered anything at all about that first day, and if you read carefully, you'll see that the details are sorely lacking.

If I may proceed, let me get you up to speed... Oh, and since my laptop is still on the fritz, I haven't had a way to download pictures. They're coming, though. I promise.

Day two of the road trip consisted of the remainder of Oklahoma, the top tip of Texas, New Mexico and half of Arizona. It was long and grueling, though stopping in Groom, Texas, to see the largest cross in the western hemisphere proved to be quite amusing. We spent that night in Flagstaff and parted ways with our driving buddy the following day when Emily and I headed north to the Grand Canyon.

Let it here be stated that anyone, at any time, is free to jump right off into that massive ravine. There are no barriers, though the friendly bus driver asks you to "please stay a body length away from the edge of the canyon" should you accidentally trip and fall. All I'm saying is that if you felt the urge to Thelma and Louise into that thing, there would be nothing there to stop you. That is incredibly cool and incredibly horrifying at the same time. Oh, and it was here that an very sketchy old guy walked up to me and said, "I know this is gonna sound creepy, but..." I think it's a safe bet that anything following "I know this is gonna sound creepy" is sure to be just that and most likely shouldn't be shared. But this dude wanted to tell me that he saw the sun hitting my shoulders and that they were the most beautiful shoulders he had ever seen. Someone, he said, should take a picture of them. Allllllrighty. Moving on.

After the Canyon (which, by the way, is only accessible via creeping along a windy, scary gravel road - my Honda was NOT ready for all that) we headed to Las Vegas. Sin City, baby. The lights really are impressive. I can't lie. I felt a little "country girl goes to town." Especially when, upon check-in, Em and I got upgraded to a Penthouse suite with a view of the strip! No, I'm not kidding. We ran around like little kids, screaming, laughing, saying, "Oh my gosh, have you seen the bathroom!" and generally acting like idiots. We don't know why or how, and we didn't ask questions. We just basked in the glory of living like the rich, knowing full well that it would be the only time we'd ever spend the night in such a nice room. Bittersweet at best. Oh, who am I kidding? It was freakin' AWESOME! As for the rest of that night? Well, you know the Vegas slogan.

The next evening we arrived here in San Clemente around 7:30. I'm pretty sure I cried when I saw the "San Clemente City Limits" sign. I definitely cried when we played "The Great Escape" one more time to bring our trip full circle. Starkville to San Clemente. More than 2,000 miles. And even more laughs than that.

I've been here for almost a month now, which I honestly don't even believe. I'm adapting well to the traffic (it seems as though I really enjoy driving fast while weaving in and out of heavy traffic - who knew?) I love this town. It's all still very surreal. Probably because I'm not working yet. But that will change soon, I feel.

Tonight's agenda? Drinking champagne and eating cake in honor of Sir Paul McCartney's birthday. Tomorrow? Yeah. I'm going back to Vegas.


Design Girl said...

I can't believe it's already been a month! I'm glad that you're settling in and it sounds like you're enjoying yourself thus far. Vegas is REALLY REALLY fun and I REALLY want to go back one day. There's a great little sushi bar that we found off the beaten path while we were there and you should try it. All I remember is that it was in a shopping center away from the strip and there was a fairly large liquor store next door. They had everything you could imagine and the prices were reasonable even for Vegas. I also highly recommend visiting the Stratosphere at night for the absolutely amazing view. Oh and that ride on the top called The Big Shot is lots of fun and completely horrifying at the same time. I'm so glad that you're happy and please keep blogging because I'm loving your adventures. Miss you!

Jules said...

Honey, whenever you want to go back to Vegas, call me! I love that place!