Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Seriously Slacking and Disgustingly Goofy

Okay, let's do a brief recap of the last two months, shall we?

Late November consisted of Thanksgiving here in L.A. with the roommates and a couple of friends. I made dressing and red velvet cake, which resulted in my winning the hearts of many who aren't so liberal with the butter/fat in their own cooking. The day after Thanksgiving consisted of breaking up with guy who refused to tell me "happy birthday" or offer to get me a drink on my birthday. Um, no thanks. Life's too short. Said breakup also led to a mini-revelation that I am forevermore banning midwest boys from my dating repertoire. I haven't run into a normal one yet.

December consisted of a wonderful trip home, Christmas with family and friends and quite a few sad goodbyes (do they get easier, I wonder? My guess is not anytime soon). I got to spend time with my awesome little cousins and exist in a world where people don't eat tofu or dye their hair green. Okay, so I like it when I see people with green hair. But it was nice to be in the rural South for a while. It was relaxing and lazy and rejuvenating.

So, now that you're completely filled in on my life over the holidays, let's get back on track with New Year's Eve? Yes? Excellent. I spent NYE in downtown L.A. at a good friend's loft with a select few friends. It turned out to be the perfect evening. Loud music, multiple and riveting games of Jenga because apparently we're all 85 at heart, then off to the neighbor's to watch Dick Clark count down to 2009. We had our champagne and our dancing, but without all the annoying drunks and female drama. Well, until we saw that party in the next building that looked like WAY more fun. We proceeded to crash it promptly.

Things are moving along quite nicely out here. The last few days have brought 85 degrees and plentiful sunshine. I'm actually planning a beach day for Friday. Eat your heart out, Mississippi! That's exactly why I live here.

And I guess it's worth here mentioning that I had a date last night with a guy who was on Full House and Who's The Boss? as a child. Not kidding even a little bit. The best part? He's awesome and I'm seeing him again Saturday. That's more of a glimpse into my dating life than I normally offer up freely, but hey. Sometimes you just can't keep these things locked up inside. I also refuse to keep to myself the fact that he is beautiful. It's true. I've been smiling like a goofy moron (and looking at his pics on various social networking sites, mind you) all the livelong day. It's disgusting. I can't seem to stop. I would worry that I've developed some kind of problem, but he's having the same issues so I don't feel quite so bad. Apparently, California boys dig Southern girls. I'm not complaining.

What else? I've started doing a country music project with a couple of guys down in South Bay. I never in a million thought I'd be doing country stuff, but I figured I have nothing to lose by checking it out. We're not gigging yet. I'll let you know when that happens. If that happens. Well, that's the long and short of it. The skinny. The 411. The scoop. I know it's not funny or witty or even amusing, for that matter, but I just couldn't bear to leave you hanging for any longer. Guaranteed I'll get back on my game and have you rolling with laughter come the next posting. Until then...


Design Girl said...

I'm so glad that you posted!! I'm living vicariously through your posts. New Years Eve in downtown LA. A former child actor? Full house and Who's the Boss? I take it they aren't all as weird as VH1 makes them out to be. Is he still acting?

Chicken's Mom said...

I'm so glad you are moving ahead with the country project!

Meaghan said...

1. I'm so impressed with your culinary skillz, Paula Deen!! I'm sure all your Cali friends LOVED them too!

2. You know I'm totally starstruck just hearing that you're dating a former child actor! Which one was he on Full House? Was his character friends with D.J., Stephanie or Michelle Tanner?

3. Apparently you're on the same posting schedule I am! Glad you're back!

Jules said...

Yes, he's still acting. It's his sole source of income, which I find terribly impressive. He's also in school getting his bachelor's in creative writing (ooh-la-la!) And no, he's not weird at all! He's actually more of a gentleman than any Southern boy I ever dated. Did I mention how hot he is?