Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Didn't Tell You I'm In a Band Now?!

One would think that my seemingly endless hours of doing nothing would lend themselves to incessant blogging on my part. One would think incorrectly. You see, I have to be in a very particular frame of mind to put my thoughts into written form, and I just haven't found myself in that place too often lately. Maybe it's the stress of still being unemployed. Maybe it's the thrill of meeting new people (one person in particular...) Or maybe it's the excitement of being in a new band! Okay, so that was a lame way to get to the whole "I'm in a new band" revelation, but there it is.

I'm in a new band! It was quite simple how it all worked out. I was perusing Craigslist, an activity that has become something of an addiction for me these days, when I ran across an ad looking for a soulful, bluesy singer. I replied, sent a link to some stuff I recorded back home and waited. Within 20 minutes, I got a reply from the guitar player saying he loved my voice and wanted me to come in and audition (I'm not tooting my own horn here, just relaying information). A week or so later, I found myself driving up to the Valley to meet and sing for a group of total strangers. It was scary and exhilarating and nerve-wracking and fun. I can tell you that I wasn't on my A-game. It wasn't my best performance. But they seemed to dig it anyway, and within a couple of days, I got a call saying they wanted me.

As it turns out, I'll be fronting this band with a guy named JT. He's a Louisiana native, so we'll have that Southern thread in common at least. And I can't tell you how excited I am to get to do the male/female vocal thing. I love that melding of masculine and feminine voices. It creates a very unique energy that can be so powerful and moving. I know I'm rambling, but singing is my soul and I'm so thrilled to have an outlet for it now. Finally!

Our first practice is tonight. I'll be singing some Grace Potter, Susan Tedeschi and Arc Angels this evening, and doing a couple of duets of Clapton tunes. I'm ready. I've never been more ready.


Anisa said...

you are living the dream! good for you!!

Design Girl said...


Meaghan said...

Yea, Jules! So excited for you! Please send me an autographed CD! Love you!